Birds have had a really hard time with the ground frozen and with food scarce, if not impossible to find, each day has become a battle to survive.
Like many other people I've put fat and suet out for them along with bird nuts and seed and of course replenished the water for them on an almost hourly basis during the worst of the weather.
The feeders have attracted a number of birds that I wouldn't normally have seen at such close quarters, all eager to replenish their stocks. Sadly many of their number will have perished but those that remain are feeding as quickly as I can replace it.
Further down on the river the swans are looking less confused as the hard ice, that for the last ten days, has blanketed their world has recently started to thaw and there is movement once again on their patch of water.
Each morning and evening for the last couple of days I have seen them flying in and out at roosting time, their powerful wings the only sound - who can fail to be moved by the sight.
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Whilst winter to some means hardship, to others of course it's a time to be enjoyed, normal mundane walks become a source of adventure as well-known paths merge into one another and once leafy hollows are filled with the dark, throaty bark of dogs as they find new energy, their constant enjoyment and fascination with this brief spell of winter, mingle with the annoyed chatter of squirrels as they search for food.
What lovely photos - I've been giving my birds extra while the weather has been so cold.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny the effect of snow on dogs...they all seem to get a spring in their step whatever their age.
The dogs I've walked have been so funny, particularly one of my regulars, a Staffie called Jada - she has her own version of a coat - a hoodie which is monogrammed with 'Hug a Hoodie' and insists on throwing herself on the ground, rolls completely over and leaps up again to wow the audience - I need to take a photo!