Sunday, 27 May 2012

Hard times...............!!!!

....but did she really have to get rid of the roof ?
I know times are hard..................


Poppy is quite obviously a Border Collie.  Like all her breed she is extremely intelligent and due to hard work on her owner's part, obedient.  She is an absolute joy to walk and has the sweetest nature.

She prefers playing with a ball to interacting with other dogs and practically ignores any we meet, unless of course said dog has a ball she might prefer to her own!!  

She also has a bit of a penchant for chasing the birds and the bees.  The gulls of course are happy to play her at her own game, coming in just low enough and close enough to give her a run for her money.  One day they might misjudge it, but somehow I doubt it.  They fly just a few feet away from her and then wheel into the sky at the last as she reaches them.  I clearly can't tell one from another but I'm pretty sure they wait for her sometimes, hovering just above us as we reach the sea wall but of course I'll never know for sure.

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