Saturday, 11 August 2012

Boys will be boys.......

As some of you may know I live backing onto a small nature reserve, which is frequented by a number of foxes.  My awareness that they are there has always made me endeavour to get the cats in at night, and for the most part I'm lucky that they've come in and stay in after they've been fed.  The long, hot nights though are different and they push the boundaries, sometimes leaving it until literally the moment before the kitchen lights are switched off before hurrying inside.
Last Sunday night was hot and humid and we'd had thunder rumbling around for much of the day and so of course by the time they'd actually wanted to go out it was almost time to come back in!

We'd gone to bed when there was the sounds of an almighty scuffle outside and a cat screaming and yowling at the top of it's voice.  We flew out of bed and down the stairs, my one thought that it was a fox fighting with one of the cats.  Almost at the same time as we shot out into the garden, Jet came over the side gate and tore down to the bottom of the garden where it backs onto the field.  My worst thoughts were realised - Jax was the one in trouble.

Trying to see a black cat at night with no lights is next to impossible and we called until we were hoarse with no luck.  Turning around I heard a soft miaow and found Jet next to a clearly distressed Jax.  We literally scooped them both up and went inside placing Jax on the kitchen counter where I could get a better look at him.  Apart from several clumps of fur that had obviously been loosened and the fact that he was clearly frightened and panicked, he appeared ok.

Jet jumped up beside him and set about grooming him to within an inch of his life, soft trills filling the air as Jax began to calm under his brother's ministrations. We watched in amusement as Jet checked him from head to toe, and then, when he was evidently satisfied,  sat back on his haunches and boxed Jax's ears for him, before jumping down and calmly going to bed, back turned and eyes closed.

All was right with our world again as dual purred rumblings filled the air.

What did I do???????

If you don't know by now, you never will!



  1. Glad everyone was ok! What a night!

  2. How scary!!! so pleased he was okay. Lovely pictures too - Jax looks so sweet there.
