Monday, 22 October 2012

23 days old ...............

 The puppies are now 23 days old, their eyes opened by day 10 and they are now starting to move around quite a bit.  There are small play growls starting and they are becoming aware of each other, not just as a source of comfort but also as potential playmates.

And they're growing - quickly too, I hadn't seen them since Friday and they've changed just in that time.

Lola still sometimes has this look of pure amazement on her face, as if to say 'are they really mine'?


  1. I love looking at piles of puppies! All those little feet and tails!

  2. I am not surprised she looks amazed - there are just so many! They are utterly gorgeous though and look so soft and squidgy ... bet you can't wait to grab an armful and just cuddle??

  3. Oh I've started the cuddling - Lola kind of gives me a tired grin that says go for I do, and you're so right all those little feet, soon to be big feet!
