Sunday, 14 October 2012

Summer's end...............

Is it just me or are there a lot of squirrels about suddenly?
Everywhere I look I'm seeing them and I've seen so many sadly on the road this year.
But there's a definite nip in the air now and they're gathering food and burying it in preparation for winter.
 There are a pair in the garden next door and I've watched them a couple of afternoons stealing the peanuts from the bird feeder and industriously burying them in the grass.
It always amazes me how they manage to find them again, but they do.

The birds too are busily stocking up on peanuts, and the suet feeders are mobbed morning and night by a large flock of starlings, many of them this year's youngsters. 
The noise as they squabble bring Jet & Jax rushing to the window to chatter at them, but the birds carry on, oblivious to the threat.   They obviously know the cats can't get them. 

Sometimes when I'm walking the dogs in the nature reserve the noise from the sparrows is overwhelming, until they sense me near and then a sudden quiet descends.  I've stood quietly waiting to see if I can trick them into thinking I've moved on but they're too wise to fall for it, but as I walk away they gradually start up again, one by one.

           The end of summer brings with it a sweet sadness for the warm, sunny days but I love 
Autumn and her wonderful colours; the fields are bare now except for stacks of hay waiting to be taken in and the fields are already ploughed and sown with winter seeds, bright green shoots already visible.

Apples and pears are already flooding the farm shop, the bright reds and greens in sharp contrast to the warm colours of summer pineapples, bananas & plums. And out in the verges near the trees, mushrooms and toadstools are plentiful.

There'll be a rich harvest this autumn for the wildlife & birds, with perhaps just a little help from their human friends

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